Welcome to the USBCCI Women’s Entrepreneur Awards 2023.
Award Nomination
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* Carefully read the criteria. * Self Nomination is encouraged * Complete every section, making sure your answers directly relate to the criteria. * Be specific. Include facts and figures. * Pretend you are writing this for someone who has never heard of the nominee. Help us get to know them by including as much detail as possible.
USBCCI Women’s Empowerment Committee A Place for Women in Business to Connect THE USBCCI Women’s Empowerment Committee is an committee dedicated to creating a safe space for women entrepreneurs to engage, uplift and encourage through the exchange of stories, experiences and ideas.
The USBCCI Women's Entrepreneur Summit and Women’s Entrepreneur Awards 2023 It was created to provide a platform outside of the workplace to educate, encourage and inspire women to achieve their career and personal goals. The energy at the Summit is magnetic! Attendees seamlessly connect to each other and the information to help resolve their career and personal challenges. The summit provides a platform for a diverse audience of new recruits, entrepreneurs, and industry veterans to receive training and information in an interactive manner to assist them in achieving their career and personal goals. Attendees have the opportunity to network with other professionals and join in discussions about subjects that are relative to their growth. This one-day conference connects people to their next mentor, friend, client or employee.
The summit provides a platform for a diverse audience of new recruits, entrepreneurs, and industry veterans to receive training and information in an interactive manner to assist them in achieving their career and personal goals. Attendees can network with other professionals and join in discussions about subjects that are relative to their growth. This one-day conference connects people to their next mentor, friend, client, or employee.
Please carefully complete this form in its entirety. Submit completed nomination form with attachments to the U.S. Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry at info@usbcci.org or hard copies (2 sets including customer testimonials and supporting documents) can be delivered to 10917 205th Street, Saint Albans, New York, 11412 Telephone: (718) 864-3245, 718-598-1425.
Please Note: You have the opportunity to submit nominations in 1 category (per business). Check out the full list of categories at www.usbcci.org Businesses nominated in only select 1 categories to put forth for submission.
✅ I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct.
✅ If this application is successful, I authorize USBCCI Women’s Empowerment Committees to keep this information in my personal file, otherwise, all information will be destroyed within 3 months after the date of application.
✅ I authorize USBCCI Women’s Empowerment Committees to disclose in a confidential manner of any information supplied in this application to the parties namely the USBCCI Women’s Empowerment Committees, concerning department head or above for and assessment.
✅ I also understand I am entitled to update and correct the above information and agree that this information could be held for 3 months from the date of application and used for future Event by USBCCI Women’s Empowerment Committees